Frequently Asked Questions

Infusions are medications that are given intravenously (through an IV) by a nurse. These medications are formulated to go directly into the blood stream of a patient.


Complex biologics are highly selective medications that act on one specific part of the immune system to regulate its activity. These medications do not permanently alter the immune system.


Many inflammatory and autoimmune conditions can be successfully treated with biologic medications. If your physician has recommended biologic therapy for your condition, we can help you get your medication safely and comfortably.


We offer a wide variety of infusion medications to treat various autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.


In some cases, patients are unable to tolerate oral medications for their condition or do not respond to oral medications. In these situations, injectable medications or infusions are ideal options. In other cases, there is no available formulation of a medication other than through an infusion or injection.


IVIG is short for “intravenous immunoglobulin”. This is a medication which contains proteins found in the body that regulate inflammation and immune response. IVIG is a concentrate of donated plasma of thousands of people which contains these proteins. It is used to treat many disorders of the immune system.


The time you will be in the infusion suite varies based on the time needed to administer your medication. These infusion times are determined by the drug manufacturer and are based on results of clinical trials of the medication. In some cases, you will need to stay a short while after your treatment for monitoring. Your scheduling specialist will inform you of how long you should expect to be in our infusion suite.


Infusion therapy is very safe, as you will be in a health care setting and being constantly monitored. In addition, our physician is always on site and can be called to see you if needed.


Infusion therapy is not painful. Other than the minor discomfort that some patients experience when starting the IV, there is no pain at all during treatment. Our nurses are extremely skilled at painlessly starting your IV.

  • Flexible schedule; special appointments upon request; no waiting
  • Easy access locations & convenient parking
  • Dedicated medical staff led by a physician, private/shared spaces; relaxing recliners
  • High speed Wi-Fi, streaming options, individual charging stations, spring water, drinks, snacks, heated blankets, pillows etc.
 In some cases there is a range of administration frequency allowed. In these situations, your referring doctor will decide how often you get the treatment.

All medications have potential side effects. The possible side effects of your medication will be discussed with you by your referring doctor. You will also meet our physician before your infusion to ensure that you understand all the potential benefits and risks of your treatment.